# Meet Pozi, GIS with a Customer Service Focus

Simon O'Keefe
Published 2019-12-01

Ensuring customer success is our number one priority. We provide the platform to ensure you can achieve your GIS goals. We always aim to exceed your expectations with not only a great GIS product, but superior customer service and support.

You deserve customer support that's simple, prompt and personalised, and that the person who responds to your request should be the person who can answer your needs.

These are some of the key ways we provide support:

# Grab a ticket? No thanks, simply email or call!

Our customers don’t have to fill out forms and wait days or weeks for a response. Just send an email to our dedicated support email address. Our whole support team sees what issues are coming in, and you’ll get a response from the team member who is best placed to deal with your specific request, typically within 24 hours. All interactions are via your email inbox, making it easy for you to track communication on your own terms.

# Want a new feature? Just ask!

Do you have an idea that would make Pozi even better for your users?

If it’s something that we’re hearing from many clients, we’ll most likely add it.

If it’s something that’s specific to your needs, or you want to fast-track a feature, you have the option of directly funding the development. You get to work with us on the specification that will ensure Pozi is perfectly suited to your business processes.

We’re proud that the Pozi feature-set has grown to what it is today through our innovation, and through customers funding the development of the features that matter to them.

Again, if you’ve got an idea please get in contact and we’ll provide the options for you.

# Found a bug? Let us know.

We want Pozi to work flawlessly for you and your users. If you see Pozi behaving in an unexpected way, let us know. We hate bugs, and we’ll usually drop everything else to tackle it.

How long can you expect to wait for a fix? You may be used to traditional software deployments where you’ll wait months or even a year or more for the next release. However, because the Pozi web application is deployed using continuous delivery, you might find that we’ve resolved your issue within a few hours.

# Don’t just take it from us. Hear from delighted customers!

Here are some responses from clients after we’ve resolved a support request:

  • “We are getting more and more great feedback about Pozi both internally and externally, so thank you for all your help to date. Actually, your support has been amazing and we appreciate it!”
  • “Thanks very much for very quick response!”
  • “…thank you very much for taking the time to look into this and explaining the situation.”
  • “Thanks for resolving this so quickly; much appreciated.”
  • “Thank you for working on these last minute changes over the weekend; I really appreciate it! I’ve checked all the requested changes and everything looks great.”
  • “You are magic Barrie! Thank you.”

We love getting these, and we’ll always aim to delight you with our support.

# Sound good? Get in contact!

Put our customer service to the test and give us a call in Melbourne on (03) 9017 6850 or send a message and we’ll be in touch.