# Azure AD

# Application Proxy (Enterprise Application)

Azure: Enterprise ApplicationsServerApplication Proxy

Follow the Microsoft documentation for set up:


IIS + QGIS Server only (i.e. without Pozi Connect Server)

The following settings are for a Pozi server setup with only QGIS Server and IIS.

  • Internal URL : http://<servername>/pozi/. Replace <servername> with the actual name of the server.

    To test internal URL on the internal network, opening the following URL in the browser should show a QGIS Server landing page:http://<servername>/pozi/qgisserver/wfs3

  • External URL: https://poziserver-<clientname>.msappproxy.net/pozi/.

    The <clientname> is a name that has been given to the organisation by MS Azure. The URL https://poziserver-<clientname>.msappproxy.net/pozi/qgisserver/wfs3 should show the same landing page as in the Internal URL section above.

  • Pre Authentication: Azure Active Directory.

Do not choose Passthrough as that will allow any user (logged in or not) to access private resources from the server.

When configured correctly, a request from a logged-in user to URL (for example)...


...should return the same response as a local request to...


Ensure it doesn't return a response to a non-logged-in or anonymous user.

Pozi Connect Server + local DNS

The following settings are for a Pozi server setup with a Pozi Server installation that proxies all QGIS Server and IIS requests.

  • Internal URL : https://local.pozi.com (or any other URL that uses a local DNS with a locally signed SSL certificate pointing to the server that runs PoziServer)

    When visiting the above URL on the internal network, it should show a Pozi Connect Server welcome page.

All other settings here (like External URL and Pre Authentication are the same as above)

When configured correctly, a request from a logged-in user to URL (for example)...


...should return the same response as a local request to...


Ensure it doesn't return a response to a non-logged-in or anonymous user.

# Other settings


  • Translate URLs in headers: ☑
  • Translate URLs in application body: ☑
  • Validate Backend SSL certificate: ☑

# App Registration

Azure: App RegistrationsServer

# Authentication

# Web - Redirect URIs

Add the App Proxy URL to Redirect URIs to the Web section. E.g.:

  • https://poziserver-<clientname>.msappproxy.net/pozi/

This is the same as the External URL configured above.

# Single Page Application - Redirect URIs

Add the following Redirect URIs to the Single-page application section:

  • https://<sitename>.enterprise.pozi.com/
  • http://localhost:3000/ (for Pozi development purposes)
  • https://staging.pozi.com/ (for client testing/debugging)

If upgrading an existing non-Azure Pozi Enterprise site, also add a URI for a dedicated test site with -azure appended to the existing site name:

  • https://<sitename>-azure.enterprise.pozi.com/

Please make sure that the URIs all have a trailing slash ('/') and note that the localhost URI is http (and not https).

# Implicit grant and hybrid flows

  • Access tokens and ID tokens should remain unchecked

# Advanced settings

  • Set Allow public client flows to No

# Authorisation

All going well, it should be possible to visit the App Proxy URL (in our example case: https://poziserver-<clientname>.msappproxy.net/pozi/). If an error is shown like: Sorry, but we’re having trouble with signing you in. with a text similar to below, then we will need to give the relevant users/groups access.

Steps to authorise users/groups

Azure: Enterprise ApplicationsServer

  • In the Azure Portal, go to Enterprise Applications, select the enterprise application for the Pozi Application Proxy
  • Under Manage, select Users and groups
  • If no users/groups have been defined, it will say something like No application assignments found
  • Click on + Add user/group
  • In the next page, click on the text None selected under`Users and groups
  • On the right a panel should pop up with all available users/groups. Assuming that we want all users to have access, click on the group All users and click on Select in the bottom.
  • It is worth taking note of the the info text When you assign a group to an application, only users directly in the group will have access. The assignment does not cascade to nested groups., especially when one chooses a group that contains other groups. In the case of All users, this is not an issue.
  • Under Select a role, the role User is preselected and cannot be changed. That is OK.
  • Click on Assign in the bottom of the page.

Access should now be granted to the application proxy and the URL should be accessible.

# API Permissions

Give Pozi the following permissions:

  • API/Permissions Name: User.Read
  • Type: Delegated
  • Admin consent required: No

This should allow Pozi to determine access based on a user's role(s).

# Azure AD Pozi Support Account

In order for the Pozi team to be able to provide support and troubleshoot any potential issues, we ask our clients to configure the Pozi Support domain user with the same permissions/groups/roles as the users of Pozi through Azure AD Application Proxy.

If it's not possible or practical for the Pozi Support domain user to be given Azure AD permissions, you may choose to create a separate user account with the Azure AD permissions. In this case, no administrator privileges are required.

# Information to send to Pozi

After completion of the configuration, email us with the following information:

  • The internal app proxy URl (something like http://<servername>/pozi/)
  • The external app proxy URl (something like https://poziserver-<clientname>.msappproxy.net/pozi/)
  • The client id (sometimes called 'application id') and has the following structure: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx. The client id is defined in Enterprise Applications => Properties.
  • The tenant id, which looks like xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx. The tenant id is defined in Azure Active Directory => Overview."
  • A copy/paste and/or screenshot of all the relevant settings

This information is not sensitive and can be emailed directly to the Pozi support team at support@pozi.com.

In addition to the information above, if you have not done so already, provide the Azure AD credentials (email address and password) of the Pozi Support user account. Please get in touch with us on how to securely provide us with these details.