#Assetic myData

Assetic myData is a Windows application that supports linking via a URL protocol handler.

For any selected asset feature, Pozi users can click a link to launch the myData application which displays the asset's details.

An example link for myData looks like this:


For any PC on which a URL protocol handler has been installed, clicking this link will launch the myData application.

Layer Properties > Fields > Field Calculator > Create virtual field:

  • Output field name: Application Link
  • Output field type: Text (string)
  • Expression:
'<a href="mydata://action=goto&assetCategory=Bridges&assetID='||Asset_ID||'" target="_blank" >Open in myData</a>'

For more information, see the instructions for working with virtual fields.

Supported Asset Categories
  • Buildings
  • Bridges
  • Civil
  • Culverts
  • Drains
  • FleetPlantAndEquipment
  • Kerbs
  • ParkInfrastructure
  • Parks
  • Pathways
  • Pits
  • PlayEquipment
  • Playgrounds
  • Runways
  • SealedRoads
  • StreetFurniture

When a user selects an asset feature in the Pozi map, the feature's Asset_ID value can be used to look up details for that feature from a child dataset, such as a non-spatial table of asset, maintenance or inspection details.

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Add the non-spatial myData table to your QGIS project, enable it for WFS, and add the following keyword metadata:

Layer Properties > QGIS Server > Keyword list:

parent=Roads, parameter=EXP_FILTER=assetID in ('[Asset_ID]'), promoteDetails=true

Assumptions in this example:

  • the parent spatial table is named Roads
  • the id field in the parent spatial table is named Asset_ID
  • the id field in the non-spatial myData table is named assetID
  • if there is only one record per asset in the non-spatial table, it is useful to use promoteDetails=true to display the details automatically when the parent feature is selected

Adjust accordingly if your data differs.