# Pozi Connect M1 Audits

Pozi Connect generates parcel and property/address audits when it creates an M1. Use these audit reports to uncover anomalies in your council's data.

Described below are techniques for filtering the audits to narrow down the records to show only the ones that require further attention.

# Working with CSVs

When opening a spreadsheet:

# split window to freeze column headings
  • place cursor in A2 cell, then ALT + W + S (doesn't work on all versions of Excel) or
  • manually drag split pane control down past the first row
# set autofilter on/off
  • keyboard shortcut ALT + D + F + F
# expand columns
  • click top left corner to highlight all rows, then double-click on any column divider

# Filtering Audit

Example filter to select only 0 values

Open this webpage, and drag your CSV file into it:



# Council Parcel

Audit file: Audit - Council Parcels.csv

# Structure

Column Description Usage
spi council parcel description (in SPI format) constructed from council parcel attributes
crefno council parcel id
propnum council property number
summary council-maintained combined address (council reference only)
status council parcel status
spi_validity description of any detected instances of SPI not meeting Vicmap rules filter on NOT (Blank) to list non-compliant parcel descriptions
spi_in_council number of properties in Council that share this SPI
council_propnums list of property numbers in Council that share this SPI
spi_in_vicmap number of parcels in Vicmap that match this SPI filter on 0 to list Council parcel descriptions that don't exist in Vicmap
spi_propnum_in_vicmap number of parcels in Vicmap that match this SPI and property number
vicmap_propnums list of property numbers in Vicmap that share this SPI
partial_spi_in_vicmap number of parcels in Vicmap that match on plan_numeral but not plan_prefix filter on NOT 0 to list parcels with potentially incorrect plan prefix
alt_spi_in_vicmap number of parcels in Vicmap that match on further_description field instead of spi filter by NOT 0 to list parcels with potentially incorrect plan prefix
suggested_spi Vicmap SPI that matches closely to Council parcel based on existing crefno or partial SPI match filter on NOT (Blank) to list potential easy fixes for invalid parcel descriptions
propnum_in_council number of Council parcel records that share this propnum
propnum_in_vicmap number of Vicmap parcel records that matched to this propnum filter on 0 to list unmatched properties, ie, CRITICAL
crefno_in_vicmap number of Vicmap parcel records that matched to this crefno filter on 0 to list unmatched parcels, ie, CRITICAL
m1_edit_code update pending for this parcel filter on (Blank) to list records not already flagged for update in current M1
m1_comments comments for pending update

# Examples

# Unmatched parcels, with suggested parcel description fixes (critical, easy)

The most valuable records to target, as they will result in new matches and are likely to be easily solved.

  • propnum_in_vicmap: 0
  • spi_in_vicmap: 0
  • suggested_spi: NOT (Blank)

# Plan Prefix Anomalies

Likely to be easily solved by updating a plan prefix. See suggested_spi field for a hint of the correct plan prefix.

  • spi_in_vicmap: 0
  • partial_spi_in_vicmap: NOT 0

# Gridlocked Records

These are parcels that should be matched to Vicmap, but Pozi Connect cannot match them due to conflicting associations on the target Vicmap parcel.

It's possible these will clear up in subsequent M1s after Pozi Connect removes any redundant records. Alternatively, if these remain unresolved, they should be manually inspected to determine if changes in the council property system are required to break the deadlock.

  • m1_edit_code: (Blank)
  • propnum_in_vicmap: 0
  • spi_in_vicmap: NOT 0

# Parish and Township Codes

The suggested_spi field will often contain a parish/township code. To find the parish/township names that correspond with the codes, use the following lists.

Parish codes (PP2..., PP3..., PP4...): https://github.com/pozi/PoziConnectConfig/blob/master/~Shared/Reference/VMADMIN_PARISH.csv

Township codes (PP5...): https://github.com/pozi/PoziConnectConfig/blob/master/~Shared/Reference/VMADMIN_TOWNSHIP.csv

You can type the code (without the 'PP') into the 'Search this file...' section to quickly find the parish or township name.

# Council Property Address

Audit file: Audit - Council Property Address.csv

# Structure

Column Description Usage
propnum council property number
status council property status
address combined council address constructed from council address attributes
locality council locality
summary council-maintained combined address (council reference only)
address_validity description of any detected instances of address not meeting Vicmap rules filter on NOT (Blank) to list non-compliant addresses
parcels_in_council number of parcels in Council that share this propnum
council_parcels list of parcels in Council that share this propnum
parcels_in_vicmap number of parcels in Vicmap that match this propnum
vicmap_parcels list of parcels in Vicmap that match this propnum
vicmap_address address of property in Vicmap that matches this propnum
vicmap_locality locality of property in Vicmap that matches this propnum filter on N to list wrong locality in Council
propnum_in_vicmap Council property number exists in Vicmap (Y/N)
address_match_in_vicmap Council address matches Vicmap address (Y/N)
locality_match_in_vicmap Council locality matches Vicmap locality (Y/N)
road_locality_in_vicmap Council road name/locality combination exists in Vicmap (Y/N)
current_m1_edit_code update pending for this parcel filter on (Blank) to list records not already flagged for update in current M1
current_m1_comments comments for pending update

# Examples

# Locality Anomalies


  • locality_match_in_vicmap: N
  • is_primary: not N
  • house_number_1: not blank

# Vicmap Property address

# Examples

# Fragmented Properties

  • cohesion: < 0.001
  • propnum: not blank