# Pipeline

Transform your organisation's raw data into ready-to-use information sources.

Pipeline is a powerful Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) tool that connects to raw data from your various spatial and non-spatial sources and optimises it for distribution and consumption by your users.

The Pipeline server launches your pre-configured workflows on hourly, daily or weekly schedules. Pipeline can join multiple datasets, filter records, rename fields, add classification and styling parameters, and convert to web-ready and other formats.

Connectors available:

  • popular corporate applications:
    • property systems (Civica Authority, Infor Pathway, TechnologyOne P&R, Open Office, SynergySoft, etc)
    • asset systems (Conquest, Asset Edge, Confirm, etc)
    • CRM systems (Open Office, others)
    • and more…
  • databases (Microsoft SQL Server, Postgres/PostGIS, Oracle, Informix)
  • spatial file formats (Esri SHP, MapInfo TAB, DXF, KML, GeoJSON, etc)
  • spreadsheets (CSV, GeoCSV, XLS/XLSX)

Pozi Connect Pipeline uses the powerful open-source GDAL/OGR toolkit for maximum compatibility with all your data sources.

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