# QGIS Server

# Recommended Server Specifications

Here is list of recommended server specifications:

  • CPU: 6 Cores, Physical Server using Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 5317 CPU @ 3.00GHz CPUs
  • RAM: 32 GB
  • SSDs: Enterprise grade, storage allocation & drive layout designed relevant to your data/layers with capacity for some growth
  • OS: Windows Server 2022

# Installation

  • if any previous version of QGIS Desktop has been installed using the stand-alone installer, uninstall it
  • go to https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/
  • click on link for OSGeo4W network installer to download
  • navigate to downloaded osgeo4w-setup.exe file, right-click on it, and "Run as administrator"
  • Advanced Install, accept defaults
  • Install for all users, accept defaults
  • Choose a download site, select top one, Next
  • Select Packages
    • Desktop
      • qgis-ltr - click on the word 'Skip' to toggle through to the latest version
    • Libs
      • gdal-ecw
      • gdal-mss
    • Web
      • qgis-ltr-server
  • Next > accept defaults > "Install these packages..." > Next > "I agree..." > Next
  • upon completion, close the installer, then move the osgeo4w-setup.exe file to C:\OSGeo4W\ for convenient access for running again to perform future upgrades

# Plugins

# WFS Output Extension

  1. go to download https://github.com/3liz/qgis-wfsOutputExtension/releases/latest and download the wfsOutputExtension.1.x.x.zip file
  2. extract the wfsOutputExtension folder from zip file and put into C:\OSGeo4W\apps\qgis-ltr\plugins\ (ie, you'll end up with this folder: C:\OSGeo4W\apps\qgis-ltr\plugins\wfsOutputExtension\)
  3. backup the existing definitions.py file
  4. open the definitions.py file in a text editor and append the following text to the bottom:
        GeoJSON = Format(
  5. check that the text starting with GeoJSON aligns horizontally with the closing bracket above it - then save the file
  6. open IIS > select server > Fast CGISettings > qgis_mapserv.fcgi.exe > Edit > Environment variables, and confirm that there is an environment variable for DEBUG_WFSOUTPUTEXTENSION=1 (see here for more information) - if not, add it
  7. in IIS, recycle the PoziQgisServer application pool

Other OGR formats can be similarly added. See https://gdal.org/drivers/vector/index.html for a complete list of available formats.

        <insert output file extension> = Format(
            content_type='application/x-<insert output file extension>',
            filename_ext='<insert output file extension>',
            ogr_provider='<insert name from "Short name" column from OGR table linked above>',

# Graphics

For any PC from which QGIS projects will be created and maintained, configure QGIS with Font Awesome.

# Updating

Right-click on C:\OSGeo4W\osgeo4w-setup.exe file, and "Run as administrator". Accept all defaults.

If the setup file doesn't exist at that location, download it from https://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/.

During the update process, if the installer displays a message about files being locked, stop the IIS application pool.

IIS > Server Name > Application Pools > PoziQgisServer - right-click, and select 'Stop'

Upon completion of the update process, right-click, and select 'Start'.

# Optional Setup

Desktop shortcuts:

  • Pozi webpage shortcuts
    • live site: https://[sitename].enterprise.pozi.com/
    • staging/testing site: https://staging.pozi.com/main/#/site[sitename]/enterprise[true]/
    • config page: https://staging.pozi.com/main/#/site[sitename]/config[true]/preview[true]/enterprise[true]/
    • Admin Guide: https://pozi.com/admin-guide/
  • GIS data folder
  • Pozi folder: C:\Pozi
  • GDAL Shell: C:\OSGeo4W\OSGeo4W.bat
  • QGIS Server log: C:\Pozi\IIS\QgisServer\qgis_server.log

Pin to taskbar:

  • Windows > IIS
  • QGIS Desktop

File associations:

  • .config > Notepad++
  • .sld > Notepad++
  • .vrt > Notepad++